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Maçları Filtrele
Ülke, Sezon, Lig Seçiniz
Yeni Zelanda
Uluslararası Kulüpler
Almanya Amatör
Suudi Arabistan
Almanya Amatör
Antigua Barbuda
Austria Amateur
Austria Amateur
Beyaz Rusya
Bosna Hersek
Çek Cumhuriyeti
Danimarka Amatör
Danimarka Amatör
El Salvador
Elektronik Ligler
Faroe Adaları
Fildişi Sahili
Güney Afrika
Hong Kong, Çin
İngiltere Amator
İspanya Amatör
İsveç Amatör
İsveç Amatör
Kıbrıs Rum Kesimi
Kore Cumhuriyeti
Kosta Rika
Kuzey İrlanda
Kuzey Makedonya
Oman Sultanlığı
San Marino
Simulated Reality Women
Trinidad Tobago
Uluslararası Gençlik Ligi
Ulusal Lig
National League, Women
Ulusal Lig 2024
Ulusal Lig 2025
Ulusal Lig 2023
Ulusal Lig 2022
Premiership 20/21
Premiership 19/20
Premiership 18/19
Premiership 17/18
Premiership 16/17
Premiership 15/16
Premiership 14/15
Premiership 13/14
Premiership 12/13
Premiership 11/12
Premiership 10/11
Futbol Şampiyonası 09/10
Futbol Şampiyonası 08/09
17.11.2024 | Western Suburbs FC - Western Springs AFC
22.03.2024 | Auckland United FC - Auckland City
23.03.2024 | Bay Olympic - Eastern Suburbs AFC
23.03.2024 | East Coast Bays - Manurewa AFC
23.03.2024 | West Coast Rangers FC - Hamilton Wanderers AFC
23.03.2024 | Tauranga City AFC - Melville United AFC
23.03.2024 | Western Springs AFC - Birkenhead United AFC
28.03.2024 | Ferrymead Bays - Universities of Canterbury AFC
28.03.2024 | Hamilton Wanderers AFC - Melville United AFC
28.03.2024 | Christchurch United FC - Nomads United AFC
29.03.2024 | Dunedin City Royals FC - Cashmere Technical
29.03.2024 | FC Twenty 11 - Nelson Suburbs FC
29.03.2024 | Coastal Spirit FC - Selwyn United FC
29.03.2024 | Eastern Suburbs AFC - Auckland City
29.03.2024 | Bay Olympic - East Coast Bays
29.03.2024 | Tauranga City AFC - Auckland United FC
29.03.2024 | Birkenhead United AFC - West Coast Rangers FC
29.03.2024 | Manurewa AFC - Western Springs AFC
29.03.2024 | Auckland City - Eastern Suburbs AFC
29.03.2024 | North Wellington AFC - Waterside Karori
30.03.2024 | Miramar Rangers - Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve
30.03.2024 | Petone FC - Stop Out SC
30.03.2024 | Island Bay United - Western Suburbs FC
31.03.2024 | Napier City Rovers AFC - Wellington Olympic
01.04.2024 | East Coast Bays - Eastern Suburbs AFC
01.04.2024 | West Coast Rangers FC - Manurewa AFC
01.04.2024 | Melville United AFC - Birkenhead United AFC
01.04.2024 | Auckland City - Tauranga City AFC
01.04.2024 | Auckland United FC - Hamilton Wanderers AFC
01.04.2024 | Western Springs AFC - Bay Olympic
05.04.2024 | Birkenhead United AFC - Auckland United FC
06.04.2024 | Nomads United AFC - Dunedin City Royals FC
06.04.2024 | Stop Out SC - North Wellington AFC
06.04.2024 | Waterside Karori - Napier City Rovers AFC
06.04.2024 | Ferrymead Bays - Christchurch United FC
06.04.2024 | Cashmere Technical - FC Twenty 11
06.04.2024 | Universities of Canterbury AFC - Selwyn United FC
06.04.2024 | Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve - Petone FC
06.04.2024 | Bay Olympic - West Coast Rangers FC
06.04.2024 | East Coast Bays - Western Springs AFC
06.04.2024 | Manurewa AFC - Melville United AFC
06.04.2024 | Eastern Suburbs AFC - Tauranga City AFC
06.04.2024 | Island Bay United - Miramar Rangers
06.04.2024 | Hamilton Wanderers AFC - Auckland City
07.04.2024 | Nelson Suburbs FC - Coastal Spirit FC
07.04.2024 | Wellington Olympic - Western Suburbs FC
12.04.2024 | North Wellington AFC - Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve
12.04.2024 | West Coast Rangers FC - Auckland City
13.04.2024 | Dunedin City Royals FC - Ferrymead Bays
13.04.2024 | Selwyn United FC - Nelson Suburbs FC
13.04.2024 | Miramar Rangers - Western Suburbs FC
13.04.2024 | Christchurch United FC - Universities of Canterbury AFC
13.04.2024 | FC Twenty 11 - Nomads United AFC
13.04.2024 | Petone FC - Island Bay United
13.04.2024 | Bay Olympic - Birkenhead United AFC
13.04.2024 | East Coast Bays - Hamilton Wanderers AFC
13.04.2024 | Western Springs AFC - Tauranga City AFC
13.04.2024 | Eastern Suburbs AFC - Manurewa AFC
13.04.2024 | Wellington Olympic - Waterside Karori
13.04.2024 | Melville United AFC - Auckland United FC
14.04.2024 | Coastal Spirit FC - Cashmere Technical
14.04.2024 | Napier City Rovers AFC - Stop Out SC
17.04.2024 | Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve - Western Suburbs FC
19.04.2024 | Birkenhead United AFC - East Coast Bays
20.04.2024 | Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve - Napier City Rovers AFC
20.04.2024 | Christchurch United FC - Dunedin City Royals FC
20.04.2024 | Universities of Canterbury AFC - Nelson Suburbs FC
20.04.2024 | Miramar Rangers - Petone FC
20.04.2024 | Stop Out SC - Wellington Olympic
20.04.2024 | Western Suburbs FC - Waterside Karori
20.04.2024 | Ferrymead Bays - FC Twenty 11
20.04.2024 | Cashmere Technical - Selwyn United FC
20.04.2024 | Nomads United AFC - Coastal Spirit FC
20.04.2024 | Manurewa AFC - Bay Olympic
20.04.2024 | Auckland City - Melville United AFC
20.04.2024 | Tauranga City AFC - West Coast Rangers FC
20.04.2024 | Island Bay United - North Wellington AFC
20.04.2024 | Hamilton Wanderers AFC - Western Springs AFC
20.04.2024 | Auckland United FC - Eastern Suburbs AFC
24.04.2024 | Auckland City - Bay Olympic
26.04.2024 | North Wellington AFC - Miramar Rangers
27.04.2024 | Dunedin City Royals FC - Universities of Canterbury AFC
27.04.2024 | Waterside Karori - Stop Out SC
27.04.2024 | FC Twenty 11 - Christchurch United FC
27.04.2024 | Petone FC - Western Suburbs FC
27.04.2024 | Auckland United FC - West Coast Rangers FC
27.04.2024 | Auckland City - Western Springs AFC
27.04.2024 | Tauranga City AFC - East Coast Bays
27.04.2024 | Birkenhead United AFC - Manurewa AFC
27.04.2024 | Selwyn United FC - Nomads United AFC
27.04.2024 | Wellington Olympic - Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve
27.04.2024 | Melville United AFC - Eastern Suburbs AFC
27.04.2024 | Hamilton Wanderers AFC - Bay Olympic
28.04.2024 | Coastal Spirit FC - Ferrymead Bays
28.04.2024 | Nelson Suburbs FC - Cashmere Technical
28.04.2024 | Napier City Rovers AFC - Island Bay United
01.05.2024 | Dunedin City Royals FC - FC Twenty 11
04.05.2024 | Dunedin City Royals FC - FC Twenty 11
04.05.2024 | Nomads United AFC - Nelson Suburbs FC
04.05.2024 | Miramar Rangers - Napier City Rovers AFC
04.05.2024 | Waterside Karori - Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve
04.05.2024 | Ferrymead Bays - Selwyn United FC
04.05.2024 | Christchurch United FC - Coastal Spirit FC
04.05.2024 | Universities of Canterbury AFC - Cashmere Technical
04.05.2024 | Petone FC - North Wellington AFC
04.05.2024 | Bay Olympic - Tauranga City AFC
04.05.2024 | East Coast Bays - Auckland City
04.05.2024 | Manurewa AFC - Hamilton Wanderers AFC
04.05.2024 | Eastern Suburbs AFC - Birkenhead United AFC
04.05.2024 | Island Bay United - Wellington Olympic
04.05.2024 | West Coast Rangers FC - Melville United AFC
04.05.2024 | Western Springs AFC - Auckland United FC
05.05.2024 | Western Suburbs FC - Stop Out SC
08.05.2024 | Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve - Island Bay United
10.05.2024 | West Coast Rangers FC - Eastern Suburbs AFC
11.05.2024 | Stop Out SC - Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve
11.05.2024 | Waterside Karori - Island Bay United
11.05.2024 | Auckland United FC - East Coast Bays
11.05.2024 | Tauranga City AFC - Manurewa AFC
11.05.2024 | Wellington Olympic - Miramar Rangers
11.05.2024 | North Wellington AFC - Western Suburbs FC
11.05.2024 | Melville United AFC - Western Springs AFC
11.05.2024 | Hamilton Wanderers AFC - Birkenhead United AFC
12.05.2024 | Napier City Rovers AFC - Petone FC
18.05.2024 | Coastal Spirit FC - Dunedin City Royals FC
18.05.2024 | Western Suburbs FC - Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve
18.05.2024 | North Wellington AFC - Napier City Rovers AFC
18.05.2024 | Miramar Rangers - Waterside Karori
18.05.2024 | Petone FC - Wellington Olympic
18.05.2024 | FC Twenty 11 - Universities of Canterbury AFC
18.05.2024 | Cashmere Technical - Nomads United AFC
18.05.2024 | Auckland City - Birkenhead United AFC
18.05.2024 | Island Bay United - Stop Out SC
18.05.2024 | Auckland United FC - Manurewa AFC
18.05.2024 | Tauranga City AFC - Hamilton Wanderers AFC
18.05.2024 | West Coast Rangers FC - East Coast Bays
18.05.2024 | Selwyn United FC - Christchurch United FC
18.05.2024 | Melville United AFC - Bay Olympic
18.05.2024 | Western Springs AFC - Eastern Suburbs AFC
19.05.2024 | Nelson Suburbs FC - Ferrymead Bays
25.05.2024 | Dunedin City Royals FC - Selwyn United FC
25.05.2024 | Island Bay United - Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve
25.05.2024 | Christchurch United FC - Nelson Suburbs FC
25.05.2024 | Stop Out SC - Miramar Rangers
25.05.2024 | Waterside Karori - Petone FC
25.05.2024 | Ferrymead Bays - Cashmere Technical
25.05.2024 | FC Twenty 11 - Coastal Spirit FC
25.05.2024 | Universities of Canterbury AFC - Nomads United AFC
25.05.2024 | Birkenhead United AFC - Tauranga City AFC
25.05.2024 | Manurewa AFC - Auckland City
25.05.2024 | East Coast Bays - Melville United AFC
25.05.2024 | Eastern Suburbs AFC - Hamilton Wanderers AFC
25.05.2024 | Wellington Olympic - North Wellington AFC
25.05.2024 | Bay Olympic - Auckland United FC
25.05.2024 | Western Springs AFC - West Coast Rangers FC
26.05.2024 | Napier City Rovers AFC - Western Suburbs FC
29.05.2024 | Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve - Waterside Karori
03.06.2024 | Birkenhead United AFC - Western Springs AFC
03.06.2024 | Birkenhead United AFC - Tauranga City AFC
07.06.2024 | Birkenhead United AFC - Western Springs AFC
08.06.2024 | Nelson Suburbs FC - Dunedin City Royals FC
08.06.2024 | Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve - Miramar Rangers
08.06.2024 | Wellington Olympic - Napier City Rovers AFC
08.06.2024 | Stop Out SC - Petone FC
08.06.2024 | Waterside Karori - North Wellington AFC
08.06.2024 | Cashmere Technical - Christchurch United FC
08.06.2024 | Nomads United AFC - Ferrymead Bays
08.06.2024 | Eastern Suburbs AFC - Bay Olympic
08.06.2024 | Manurewa AFC - East Coast Bays
08.06.2024 | Hamilton Wanderers AFC - West Coast Rangers FC
08.06.2024 | Auckland City - Auckland United FC
08.06.2024 | Selwyn United FC - FC Twenty 11
08.06.2024 | Melville United AFC - Tauranga City AFC
09.06.2024 | Coastal Spirit FC - Universities of Canterbury AFC
09.06.2024 | Western Suburbs FC - Island Bay United
19.06.2024 | Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve - Wellington Olympic
21.06.2024 | West Coast Rangers FC - Birkenhead United AFC
22.06.2024 | Cashmere Technical - Dunedin City Royals FC
22.06.2024 | Miramar Rangers - Island Bay United
22.06.2024 | Western Suburbs FC - Wellington Olympic
22.06.2024 | Universities of Canterbury AFC - Ferrymead Bays
22.06.2024 | Nomads United AFC - Christchurch United FC
22.06.2024 | Petone FC - Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve
22.06.2024 | East Coast Bays - Bay Olympic
22.06.2024 | Auckland United FC - Tauranga City AFC
22.06.2024 | Selwyn United FC - Coastal Spirit FC
22.06.2024 | Eastern Suburbs AFC - Auckland City
22.06.2024 | North Wellington AFC - Stop Out SC
22.06.2024 | Melville United AFC - Hamilton Wanderers AFC
22.06.2024 | Western Springs AFC - Manurewa AFC
23.06.2024 | Nelson Suburbs FC - FC Twenty 11
23.06.2024 | Napier City Rovers AFC - Waterside Karori
27.06.2024 | Christchurch United FC - Ferrymead Bays
28.06.2024 | Coastal Spirit FC - Nelson Suburbs FC
28.06.2024 | Dunedin City Royals FC - Nomads United AFC
28.06.2024 | FC Twenty 11 - Cashmere Technical
28.06.2024 | Bay Olympic - Western Springs AFC
28.06.2024 | Hamilton Wanderers AFC - Auckland United FC
28.06.2024 | Selwyn United FC - Universities of Canterbury AFC
29.06.2024 | Stop Out SC - Napier City Rovers AFC
29.06.2024 | Waterside Karori - Wellington Olympic
29.06.2024 | Western Suburbs FC - Miramar Rangers
29.06.2024 | Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve - North Wellington AFC
29.06.2024 | Eastern Suburbs AFC - East Coast Bays
29.06.2024 | Manurewa AFC - West Coast Rangers FC
29.06.2024 | Tauranga City AFC - Auckland City
29.06.2024 | Island Bay United - Petone FC
29.06.2024 | Birkenhead United AFC - Melville United AFC
03.07.2024 | Auckland City - Manurewa AFC
06.07.2024 | Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve - Stop Out SC
12.07.2024 | North Wellington AFC - Island Bay United
13.07.2024 | Waterside Karori - Western Suburbs FC
13.07.2024 | Ferrymead Bays - Dunedin City Royals FC
13.07.2024 | Nomads United AFC - FC Twenty 11
13.07.2024 | Cashmere Technical - Coastal Spirit FC
13.07.2024 | Petone FC - Miramar Rangers
13.07.2024 | Tauranga City AFC - Bay Olympic
13.07.2024 | Auckland City - East Coast Bays
13.07.2024 | Auckland United FC - Western Springs AFC
13.07.2024 | Melville United AFC - West Coast Rangers FC
13.07.2024 | Hamilton Wanderers AFC - Manurewa AFC
13.07.2024 | Wellington Olympic - Stop Out SC
13.07.2024 | Birkenhead United AFC - Eastern Suburbs AFC
14.07.2024 | Nelson Suburbs FC - Selwyn United FC
14.07.2024 | Napier City Rovers AFC - Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve
14.07.2024 | Universities of Canterbury AFC - Christchurch United FC
17.07.2024 | Auckland City - Birkenhead United AFC
20.07.2024 | Dunedin City Royals FC - Christchurch United FC
20.07.2024 | Island Bay United - Napier City Rovers AFC
20.07.2024 | Miramar Rangers - North Wellington AFC
20.07.2024 | Stop Out SC - Waterside Karori
20.07.2024 | FC Twenty 11 - Ferrymead Bays
20.07.2024 | Eastern Suburbs AFC - Melville United AFC
20.07.2024 | East Coast Bays - Tauranga City AFC
20.07.2024 | Bay Olympic - Hamilton Wanderers AFC
20.07.2024 | Manurewa AFC - Birkenhead United AFC
20.07.2024 | Selwyn United FC - Cashmere Technical
20.07.2024 | Western Springs AFC - Auckland City
20.07.2024 | West Coast Rangers FC - Auckland United FC
21.07.2024 | Nelson Suburbs FC - Universities of Canterbury AFC
21.07.2024 | Coastal Spirit FC - Nomads United AFC
21.07.2024 | Western Suburbs FC - Petone FC
24.07.2024 | Auckland City - West Coast Rangers FC
26.07.2024 | West Coast Rangers FC - Western Springs AFC
27.07.2024 | Melville United AFC - East Coast Bays
27.07.2024 | Tauranga City AFC - Birkenhead United AFC
27.07.2024 | Hamilton Wanderers AFC - Eastern Suburbs AFC
27.07.2024 | Manurewa AFC - Auckland City
27.07.2024 | Hamilton Wanderers AFC - East Coast Bays
27.07.2024 | Tauranga City AFC - Western Springs AFC
27.07.2024 | Auckland United FC - Melville United AFC
27.07.2024 | Auckland United FC - Bay Olympic
31.07.2024 | Birkenhead United AFC - Bay Olympic
02.08.2024 | Christchurch United FC - FC Twenty 11
02.08.2024 | Ferrymead Bays - Coastal Spirit FC
03.08.2024 | Universities of Canterbury AFC - Dunedin City Royals FC
03.08.2024 | Cashmere Technical - Nelson Suburbs FC
03.08.2024 | Stop Out SC - Western Suburbs FC
03.08.2024 | Nomads United AFC - Selwyn United FC
03.08.2024 | Eastern Suburbs AFC - West Coast Rangers FC
03.08.2024 | East Coast Bays - Auckland United FC
03.08.2024 | Manurewa AFC - Tauranga City AFC
03.08.2024 | Wellington Olympic - Island Bay United
03.08.2024 | North Wellington AFC - Petone FC
03.08.2024 | Western Springs AFC - Melville United AFC
03.08.2024 | Bay Olympic - Auckland City
03.08.2024 | Birkenhead United AFC - Hamilton Wanderers AFC
04.08.2024 | Napier City Rovers AFC - Miramar Rangers
07.08.2024 | Birkenhead United AFC - Auckland City
07.08.2024 | Manurewa AFC - Eastern Suburbs AFC
09.08.2024 | West Coast Rangers FC - Bay Olympic
10.08.2024 | Petone FC - Napier City Rovers AFC
10.08.2024 | FC Twenty 11 - Dunedin City Royals FC
10.08.2024 | Miramar Rangers - Wellington Olympic
10.08.2024 | Cashmere Technical - Universities of Canterbury AFC
10.08.2024 | Auckland City - Hamilton Wanderers AFC
10.08.2024 | Auckland United FC - Birkenhead United AFC
10.08.2024 | Melville United AFC - Manurewa AFC
10.08.2024 | Tauranga City AFC - Eastern Suburbs AFC
10.08.2024 | Selwyn United FC - Ferrymead Bays
10.08.2024 | Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve - Stop Out SC
10.08.2024 | Island Bay United - Waterside Karori
10.08.2024 | Western Springs AFC - East Coast Bays
11.08.2024 | Nelson Suburbs FC - Nomads United AFC
11.08.2024 | Coastal Spirit FC - Christchurch United FC
11.08.2024 | Western Suburbs FC - North Wellington AFC
17.08.2024 | Universities of Canterbury AFC - FC Twenty 11
17.08.2024 | Dunedin City Royals FC - Coastal Spirit FC
17.08.2024 | Ferrymead Bays - Nelson Suburbs FC
17.08.2024 | Bay Olympic - Melville United AFC
17.08.2024 | Christchurch United FC - Selwyn United FC
17.08.2024 | Nomads United AFC - Cashmere Technical
17.08.2024 | Eastern Suburbs AFC - Western Springs AFC
17.08.2024 | East Coast Bays - West Coast Rangers FC
17.08.2024 | Manurewa AFC - Auckland United FC
17.08.2024 | Hamilton Wanderers AFC - Tauranga City AFC
24.08.2024 | Selwyn United FC - Dunedin City Royals FC
24.08.2024 | Stop Out SC - Island Bay United
24.08.2024 | Waterside Karori - Miramar Rangers
24.08.2024 | Cashmere Technical - Ferrymead Bays
24.08.2024 | Nomads United AFC - Universities of Canterbury AFC
24.08.2024 | Melville United AFC - East Coast Bays
24.08.2024 | Tauranga City AFC - Birkenhead United AFC
24.08.2024 | Hamilton Wanderers AFC - Eastern Suburbs AFC
24.08.2024 | Manurewa AFC - Auckland City
24.08.2024 | Wellington Olympic - Petone FC
24.08.2024 | West Coast Rangers FC - Western Springs AFC
24.08.2024 | Auckland United FC - Bay Olympic
25.08.2024 | Nelson Suburbs FC - Christchurch United FC
25.08.2024 | Napier City Rovers AFC - North Wellington AFC
28.08.2024 | Coastal Spirit FC - FC Twenty 11
31.08.2024 | North Wellington AFC - Wellington Olympic
31.08.2024 | Miramar Rangers - Stop Out SC
31.08.2024 | Western Suburbs FC - Napier City Rovers AFC
31.08.2024 | Petone FC - Waterside Karori
31.08.2024 | East Coast Bays - Birkenhead United AFC
31.08.2024 | Bay Olympic - Manurewa AFC
31.08.2024 | Eastern Suburbs AFC - Auckland United FC
31.08.2024 | Melville United AFC - Auckland City
31.08.2024 | West Coast Rangers FC - Tauranga City AFC
31.08.2024 | Western Springs AFC - Hamilton Wanderers AFC
01.09.2024 | Dunedin City Royals FC - Nelson Suburbs FC
01.09.2024 | Universities of Canterbury AFC - Coastal Spirit FC
01.09.2024 | FC Twenty 11 - Selwyn United FC
01.09.2024 | Christchurch United FC - Cashmere Technical
01.09.2024 | Ferrymead Bays - Nomads United AFC
07.09.2024 | Selwyn United FC - Dunedin City Royals FC
28.09.2024 | Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve - Eastern Suburbs AFC
28.09.2024 | Coastal Spirit FC - Wellington Olympic
29.09.2024 | Western Suburbs FC - Cashmere Technical
29.09.2024 | Napier City Rovers AFC - Western Springs AFC
29.09.2024 | Auckland City - Birkenhead United AFC
05.10.2024 | Birkenhead United AFC - Western Suburbs FC
05.10.2024 | Western Springs AFC - Coastal Spirit FC
05.10.2024 | Wellington Olympic - Auckland City
06.10.2024 | Cashmere Technical - Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve
06.10.2024 | Eastern Suburbs AFC - Napier City Rovers AFC
12.10.2024 | Wellington Olympic - Eastern Suburbs AFC
12.10.2024 | Western Springs AFC - Birkenhead United AFC
13.10.2024 | Coastal Spirit FC - Western Suburbs FC
13.10.2024 | Napier City Rovers AFC - Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve
13.10.2024 | Auckland City - Cashmere Technical
19.10.2024 | Cashmere Technical - Wellington Olympic
19.10.2024 | Birkenhead United AFC - Napier City Rovers AFC
20.10.2024 | Western Suburbs FC - Auckland City
20.10.2024 | Eastern Suburbs AFC - Western Springs AFC
26.10.2024 | Western Springs AFC - Wellington Olympic
27.10.2024 | Eastern Suburbs AFC - Auckland City
27.10.2024 | Western Suburbs FC - Napier City Rovers AFC
27.10.2024 | Cashmere Technical - Coastal Spirit FC
27.10.2024 | Birkenhead United AFC - Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve
02.11.2024 | Napier City Rovers AFC - Cashmere Technical
02.11.2024 | Wellington Olympic - Birkenhead United AFC
02.11.2024 | Coastal Spirit FC - Eastern Suburbs AFC
03.11.2024 | Auckland City - Western Springs AFC
03.11.2024 | Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve - Western Suburbs FC
08.11.2024 | Wellington Olympic - Western Suburbs FC
09.11.2024 | Western Springs AFC - Cashmere Technical
10.11.2024 | Coastal Spirit FC - Napier City Rovers AFC
10.11.2024 | Auckland City - Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve
10.11.2024 | Eastern Suburbs AFC - Birkenhead United AFC
16.11.2024 | Cashmere Technical - Eastern Suburbs AFC
17.11.2024 | Napier City Rovers AFC - Auckland City
17.11.2024 | Birkenhead United AFC - Coastal Spirit FC
17.11.2024 | Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve - Wellington Olympic
23.11.2024 | Cashmere Technical - Birkenhead United AFC
23.11.2024 | Wellington Olympic - Napier City Rovers AFC
23.11.2024 | Western Springs AFC - Wellington Phoenix FC Reserve
24.11.2024 | Eastern Suburbs AFC - Western Suburbs FC
24.11.2024 | Auckland City - Coastal Spirit FC
01.12.2024 | Birkenhead United AFC - Auckland City
Canlı Skor
Yeni Zelanda
Ulusal Lig
Ulusal Lig 2024 Sezonu
Western Suburbs FC - Western Springs AFC maçı
Ulusal Lig 2024
Ulusal Lig | 8
Western Suburbs FC
17/11/24 - 04:00
0 : 4
0 : 1 1. Devre
0 : 3 2. Devre
Western Springs AFC
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Canlı Anlatım
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