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Maçları Filtrele
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Austria Amateur
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Danimarka Amatör
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İsveç Amatör
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NCAA Kadınlar Division I Ulusal Şampiyonası
NCAA Normal Sezon, Kadınlar
NCAA, Normal Sezon
NPSL Members Kupası
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NWSL Fall Series, Kadınlar
Premier Development Ligi
Ulusal Kadınlar Futbol Ligi
US Open Kupası
USL Lig 1
USL Şampiyonası
USL W Ligi
USL Lig 2 2024
USL Lig 2 2025
USL Lig 2 2023
USL League Two 2022
USL League Two 2021
USL League Two 2019
30.06.2024 | Amsg FC - Redlands FC
05.05.2024 | Academica SC - Project 51O
05.05.2024 | Coachella FC - Capo FC 2
09.05.2024 | Midwest United FC - Union FC Macomb
09.05.2024 | Monterey Bay FC Usl 2 - San Francisco City
11.05.2024 | Louisiana Krewe FC - Blue Goose SC
11.05.2024 | Philadelphia Lone Star Usl2 - West Chester United Usl2
12.05.2024 | San Francisco City - Project 51O
12.05.2024 | Monterey Bay FC Usl 2 - Academica SC
12.05.2024 | AFC Ann Arbor - Union FC Macomb
12.05.2024 | Virginia Beach United - Lionsbridge FC
12.05.2024 | North Carolina Fusion U23 - Charlotte Independence 2
12.05.2024 | Lansing City Football - Midwest United FC
12.05.2024 | Inter Gainesville KF - Florida Elite Sa
12.05.2024 | Des Moines Menace - Peoria City
12.05.2024 | Little Rock Rangers - Hattiesburg FC
12.05.2024 | Corpus Christi FC - Houston FC
12.05.2024 | Coachella FC - Amsg FC
12.05.2024 | Southern California Seahorses - Redlands FC
12.05.2024 | Almaden FC - San Francisco Glens SC
15.05.2024 | Charlotte Independence 2 - Charlotte Eagles
15.05.2024 | Boston Bolts - Western Mass Pioneers
15.05.2024 | Birmingham Legion FC 2 - East Atlanta FC
16.05.2024 | North Carolina FC - West Virginia United
16.05.2024 | Virginia Beach United - Northern Virginia FC
16.05.2024 | Southern Soccer Academy Kings - Dothan United SC
16.05.2024 | North Carolina Fusion U23 - Tobacco Road FC
16.05.2024 | Midwest United FC - South Bend Lions
16.05.2024 | Sueno FC - St Charles FC
16.05.2024 | Chicago Dutch Lions FC - Des Moines Menace
16.05.2024 | Davis Legacy - San Francisco Glens SC
17.05.2024 | Brooke House FC - Florida Elite Sa
17.05.2024 | Southern California Seahorses - Ventura County Fusion
17.05.2024 | Southern Soccer Academy Kings - Asheville City SC
18.05.2024 | Charlotte Eagles - Tobacco Road FC
18.05.2024 | Kalamazoo FC - Lansing City Football
18.05.2024 | Kings Hammer - Cleveland Force SC
18.05.2024 | Philadelphia Lone Star Usl2 - Real Central New Jersey
18.05.2024 | Brooke House FC - Nona FC
18.05.2024 | Northern Virginia FC - Patuxent Football Athletics
18.05.2024 | Midwest United FC - AFC Ann Arbor
18.05.2024 | Christos FC - Virginia Marauders FC
19.05.2024 | Project 51O - Almaden FC
19.05.2024 | North Carolina FC - Charlotte Independence 2
19.05.2024 | West Virginia United - North Carolina Fusion U23
19.05.2024 | Seacoast United Phantoms - AC Connecticut
19.05.2024 | New Mexico United U23 - Flatirons Rush SC
19.05.2024 | San Francisco City - Academica SC
19.05.2024 | Morris Elite SC - Staten Island Asc
19.05.2024 | Wake FC - SC United Bantams
19.05.2024 | South Bend Lions - Flint City Bucks
19.05.2024 | Virginia Beach United - Charlottesville Blues
19.05.2024 | Western Mass Pioneers - Pathfinder FC New York
19.05.2024 | Oakland County FC - Union FC Macomb
19.05.2024 | Fort Wayne FC - Dayton Dutch Lions FC
19.05.2024 | FC Lehigh Valley United - Reading United AC
19.05.2024 | Corpus Christi FC - AC Houston Sur
19.05.2024 | Ironbound SC - Hudson Valley Hammers
19.05.2024 | Milwaukee Bavarian SC - Minneapolis City SC Usl2
19.05.2024 | AHFC Royals - Hill Country Lobos
19.05.2024 | Sueno FC - River Light FC
19.05.2024 | Rochester FC - St. Croix SC
19.05.2024 | Louisiana Krewe FC - Little Rock Rangers
19.05.2024 | Blue Goose SC - Mississippi Brilla
19.05.2024 | Peoria City - Chicago Dutch Lions FC
19.05.2024 | Utah United - Utah Avalanche
19.05.2024 | Redlands FC - Capo FC 2
20.05.2024 | Tacoma Stars - Ballard FC
20.05.2024 | Lane United FC - Midlakes United
20.05.2024 | West Seattle Junction FC - Capital FC
20.05.2024 | Miami AC - Sarasota Paradise
20.05.2024 | Long Island Rough Riders - New Jersey Copa FC
20.05.2024 | Weston FC - Swan City SC
20.05.2024 | Boston City FC - Vermont Green FC
20.05.2024 | Cedar Stars Rush - Manhattan SC
20.05.2024 | FC Buffalo - Toledo Villa FC
20.05.2024 | St Charles FC - Chicago City SC
20.05.2024 | Monterey Bay FC Usl 2 - San Francisco Glens SC
20.05.2024 | Davis Legacy - Marin FC Legends
21.05.2024 | Florida Elite Sa - The Villages
21.05.2024 | Tennessee SC - Birmingham Legion FC 2
22.05.2024 | Charlotte Eagles - North Carolina FC
22.05.2024 | Tampa Bay United - ST Petersburg FC
22.05.2024 | Virginia Marauders FC - Lionsbridge FC
22.05.2024 | West Chester United Usl2 - Philadelphia Lone Star Usl2
22.05.2024 | Flint City Bucks - Union FC Macomb
22.05.2024 | Black Rock FC - Vermont Green FC
22.05.2024 | Charlotte Independence 2 - Wake FC
23.05.2024 | Athens United - Birmingham Legion FC 2
23.05.2024 | AFC Ann Arbor - Kalamazoo FC
23.05.2024 | Boston Bolts - AC Connecticut
23.05.2024 | Virginia Beach United - Patuxent Football Athletics
23.05.2024 | Inter Gainesville KF - Brooke House FC
23.05.2024 | Real Central New Jersey - FC Lehigh Valley United
23.05.2024 | Hudson Valley Hammers - Staten Island Asc
23.05.2024 | Tobacco Road FC - SC United Bantams
23.05.2024 | Blackwatch Rush - Western Mass Pioneers
23.05.2024 | Nona FC - Florida Elite Sa
23.05.2024 | Seacoast United Phantoms - Boston City FC
23.05.2024 | East Atlanta FC - Dothan United SC
23.05.2024 | Kings Hammer - Fort Wayne FC
23.05.2024 | Lansing City Football - South Bend Lions
23.05.2024 | Midwest United FC - Oakland County FC
23.05.2024 | Manhattan SC - Ironbound SC
23.05.2024 | Westchester Flames - New Jersey Copa FC
23.05.2024 | Chicago Dutch Lions FC - Peoria City
23.05.2024 | Minneapolis City SC Usl2 - St. Croix SC
23.05.2024 | Mississippi Brilla - Hattiesburg FC
23.05.2024 | Miami AC - Swan City SC
23.05.2024 | Rochester FC - Milwaukee Bavarian SC
24.05.2024 | Brazos Valley Cavalry FC - Hill Country Lobos
24.05.2024 | Flatirons Rush SC - Salt City SC
24.05.2024 | Colorado International Soccer Academy - Utah United
24.05.2024 | Academica SC - San Francisco Glens SC
25.05.2024 | Tobacco Road FC - North Carolina FC
25.05.2024 | Asheville City SC - Southern Soccer Academy Kings
25.05.2024 | Virginia Marauders FC - Northern Virginia FC
25.05.2024 | Ballard FC - Midlakes United
25.05.2024 | Capo FC 2 - Arizona Arsenal SC
25.05.2024 | West Seattle Junction FC - Lane United FC
25.05.2024 | Ventura County Fusion - FC Tucson
25.05.2024 | Tacoma Stars - Oly Town FC
25.05.2024 | Almaden FC - San Francisco City
25.05.2024 | Vermont Green FC - Pathfinder FC New York
25.05.2024 | Morris Elite SC - Cedar Stars Rush
25.05.2024 | Blackwatch Rush - Black Rock FC
26.05.2024 | New Jersey Copa FC - Staten Island Asc
26.05.2024 | AFC Ann Arbor - Oakland County FC
26.05.2024 | West Virginia United - Wake FC
26.05.2024 | Swan City SC - Sarasota Paradise
26.05.2024 | Weston FC - ST Petersburg FC
26.05.2024 | Ocean City Nor Easters - Philadelphia Lone Star Usl2
26.05.2024 | Dayton Dutch Lions FC - Cleveland Force SC
26.05.2024 | Miami AC - Tampa Bay United
26.05.2024 | RKC Soccer Club - Rochester FC
26.05.2024 | Academica SC - Marin FC Legends
26.05.2024 | Charlotte Eagles - North Carolina Fusion U23
26.05.2024 | Fort Wayne FC - Toledo Villa FC
26.05.2024 | SC United Bantams - Charlotte Independence 2
26.05.2024 | Flint City Bucks - Lansing City Football
26.05.2024 | South Bend Lions - Kalamazoo FC
26.05.2024 | FC Motown 2 - Long Island Rough Riders
26.05.2024 | West Chester United Usl2 - Reading United AC
26.05.2024 | Mississippi Brilla - Little Rock Rangers
26.05.2024 | Amsg FC - Arizona Arsenal SC
26.05.2024 | Des Moines Menace - Chicago City SC
26.05.2024 | Louisiana Krewe FC - Hattiesburg FC
26.05.2024 | Davis Legacy - Project 51O
26.05.2024 | Dothan United SC - Tennessee SC
26.05.2024 | Sueno FC - Chicago Dutch Lions FC
26.05.2024 | Flatirons Rush SC - Utah United
26.05.2024 | Boulder County United - Salt City SC
26.05.2024 | Coachella FC - Redlands FC
26.05.2024 | Capo FC 2 - FC Tucson
27.05.2024 | Oly Town FC - Lane United FC
27.05.2024 | West Seattle Junction FC - United Pdx
27.05.2024 | River Light FC - St Charles FC
27.05.2024 | Florida Elite Sa - Brevard Fire SC
27.05.2024 | Patuxent Football Athletics - Christos FC
27.05.2024 | Capital FC - Tacoma Stars
27.05.2024 | Lionsbridge FC - Charlottesville Blues
27.05.2024 | AC Houston Sur - Brazos Valley Cavalry FC
27.05.2024 | AHFC Royals - Houston FC
28.05.2024 | Ventura County Fusion - Coachella FC
29.05.2024 | Lansing City Football - Union FC Macomb
29.05.2024 | Vermont Green FC - Black Rock FC
29.05.2024 | Athens United - Asheville City SC
29.05.2024 | Birmingham Legion FC 2 - Dothan United SC
29.05.2024 | Tennessee SC - East Atlanta FC
30.05.2024 | Tampa Bay United - Sarasota Paradise
30.05.2024 | Christos FC - Virginia Beach United
30.05.2024 | Swan City SC - ST Petersburg FC
30.05.2024 | Weston FC - Miami AC
30.05.2024 | Brooke House FC - The Villages
30.05.2024 | Wake FC - Charlotte Eagles
30.05.2024 | Real Central New Jersey - Ocean City Nor Easters
30.05.2024 | FC Lehigh Valley United - West Chester United Usl2
30.05.2024 | Boston Bolts - Seacoast United Phantoms
30.05.2024 | Toledo Villa FC - FC Buffalo
30.05.2024 | Dayton Dutch Lions FC - Kings Hammer
30.05.2024 | Staten Island Asc - Ironbound SC
30.05.2024 | Reading United AC - Philadelphia Lone Star Usl2
30.05.2024 | Cedar Stars Rush - Hudson Valley Hammers
30.05.2024 | Blackwatch Rush - AC Connecticut
30.05.2024 | Nona FC - Brevard Fire SC
30.05.2024 | North Carolina Fusion U23 - North Carolina FC
30.05.2024 | Charlotte Independence 2 - SC United Bantams
30.05.2024 | Midwest United FC - Kalamazoo FC
30.05.2024 | FC Motown 2 - Morris Elite SC
30.05.2024 | Northern Virginia FC - Lionsbridge FC
30.05.2024 | Manhattan SC - Westchester Flames
30.05.2024 | Marin FC Legends - Almaden FC
30.05.2024 | Chicago City SC - Chicago Dutch Lions FC
30.05.2024 | Minneapolis City SC Usl2 - RKC Soccer Club
30.05.2024 | Corpus Christi FC - Brazos Valley Cavalry FC
30.05.2024 | Peoria City - Sueno FC
30.05.2024 | Southern California Seahorses - Amsg FC
30.05.2024 | Oly Town FC - Ballard FC
30.05.2024 | Academica SC - Davis Legacy
30.05.2024 | United Pdx - Lane United FC
31.05.2024 | River Light FC - Des Moines Menace
31.05.2024 | Hill Country Lobos - AHFC Royals
31.05.2024 | Boulder County United - New Mexico United U23
31.05.2024 | Arizona Arsenal SC - FC Tucson
01.06.2024 | Western Mass Pioneers - Black Rock FC
01.06.2024 | Tobacco Road FC - West Virginia United
01.06.2024 | Thunder Bay Chill SC - Milwaukee Bavarian SC
01.06.2024 | Birmingham Legion FC 2 - Southern Soccer Academy Kings
01.06.2024 | Salt City SC - Utah United
01.06.2024 | Utah United - Salt City SC
01.06.2024 | Midlakes United - United Pdx
01.06.2024 | San Francisco City - Davis Legacy
01.06.2024 | Pathfinder FC New York - Boston Bolts
01.06.2024 | Northern Virginia FC - Christos FC
02.06.2024 | Hattiesburg FC - Louisiana Krewe FC
02.06.2024 | Vermont Green FC - AC Connecticut
02.06.2024 | Cleveland Force SC - FC Buffalo
02.06.2024 | Ironbound SC - Long Island Rough Riders
02.06.2024 | FC Buffalo - Cleveland Force SC
02.06.2024 | Inter Gainesville KF - Nona FC
02.06.2024 | Weston FC - Tampa Bay United
02.06.2024 | Union FC Macomb - Midwest United FC
02.06.2024 | The Villages - Brevard Fire SC
02.06.2024 | Toledo Villa FC - Dayton Dutch Lions FC
02.06.2024 | Oakland County FC - Lansing City Football
02.06.2024 | Florida Elite Sa - Brooke House FC
02.06.2024 | Boston City FC - Blackwatch Rush
02.06.2024 | FC Lehigh Valley United - Ocean City Nor Easters
02.06.2024 | AFC Ann Arbor - South Bend Lions
02.06.2024 | SC United Bantams - Charlotte Eagles
02.06.2024 | Charlottesville Blues - Virginia Marauders FC
02.06.2024 | West Chester United Usl2 - Philadelphia Lone Star Usl2
02.06.2024 | Reading United AC - Real Central New Jersey
02.06.2024 | Hudson Valley Hammers - New Jersey Copa FC
02.06.2024 | Asheville City SC - East Atlanta FC
02.06.2024 | Sarasota Paradise - Swan City SC
02.06.2024 | Kalamazoo FC - Flint City Bucks
02.06.2024 | RKC Soccer Club - St. Croix SC
02.06.2024 | Corpus Christi FC - Brazos Valley Cavalry FC
02.06.2024 | Little Rock Rangers - Mississippi Brilla
02.06.2024 | Ballard FC - West Seattle Junction FC
02.06.2024 | Rochester FC - Minneapolis City SC Usl2
02.06.2024 | Westchester Flames - Morris Elite SC
02.06.2024 | Tennessee SC - Dothan United SC
02.06.2024 | Colorado International Soccer Academy - New Mexico United U23
02.06.2024 | Redlands FC - Amsg FC
02.06.2024 | Coachella FC - Arizona Arsenal SC
02.06.2024 | Almaden FC - Academica SC
02.06.2024 | Sueno FC - Des Moines Menace
02.06.2024 | San Francisco Glens SC - Project 51O
03.06.2024 | Midlakes United - Oly Town FC
03.06.2024 | Lane United FC - Tacoma Stars
03.06.2024 | ST Petersburg FC - Miami AC
03.06.2024 | Houston FC - AC Houston Sur
03.06.2024 | Cedar Stars Rush - FC Motown 2
03.06.2024 | FC Lehigh Valley United - West Chester United Usl2
03.06.2024 | Kings Hammer - Fort Wayne FC
03.06.2024 | Chicago City SC - St Charles FC
03.06.2024 | Manhattan SC - Staten Island Asc
03.06.2024 | Marin FC Legends - Monterey Bay FC Usl 2
03.06.2024 | Chicago Dutch Lions FC - River Light FC
03.06.2024 | Boulder County United - Flatirons Rush SC
03.06.2024 | Ventura County Fusion - Arizona Arsenal SC
04.06.2024 | Salt City SC - Utah Avalanche
04.06.2024 | Black Rock FC - Seacoast United Phantoms
05.06.2024 | New Mexico United U23 - Colorado International Soccer Academy
05.06.2024 | SC United Bantams - North Carolina Fusion U23
05.06.2024 | Pathfinder FC New York - AC Connecticut
05.06.2024 | Cleveland Force SC - Toledo Villa FC
05.06.2024 | West Virginia United - Charlotte Independence 2
05.06.2024 | West Chester United Usl2 - Real Central New Jersey
05.06.2024 | Hattiesburg FC - Mississippi Brilla
05.06.2024 | RKC Soccer Club - Milwaukee Bavarian SC
05.06.2024 | Brazos Valley Cavalry FC - AHFC Royals
06.06.2024 | New Jersey Copa FC - Cedar Stars Rush
06.06.2024 | Christos FC - Northern Virginia FC
06.06.2024 | Weston FC - Swan City SC
06.06.2024 | Athens United - Dothan United SC
06.06.2024 | Wake FC - Tobacco Road FC
06.06.2024 | Charlottesville Blues - Lionsbridge FC
06.06.2024 | Kalamazoo FC - Midwest United FC
06.06.2024 | Florida Elite Sa - Inter Gainesville KF
06.06.2024 | Flint City Bucks - AFC Ann Arbor
06.06.2024 | FC Motown 2 - Westchester Flames
06.06.2024 | Morris Elite SC - Manhattan SC
06.06.2024 | Virginia Marauders FC - Patuxent Football Athletics
06.06.2024 | Brooke House FC - Brevard Fire SC
06.06.2024 | Boston Bolts - Blackwatch Rush
06.06.2024 | Minneapolis City SC Usl2 - Thunder Bay Chill SC
06.06.2024 | Little Rock Rangers - Blue Goose SC
06.06.2024 | Hill Country Lobos - Corpus Christi FC
06.06.2024 | Marin FC Legends - San Francisco City
06.06.2024 | Ventura County Fusion - Southern California Seahorses
06.06.2024 | Davis Legacy - Monterey Bay FC Usl 2
06.06.2024 | Tacoma Stars - West Seattle Junction FC
06.06.2024 | Capo FC 2 - Amsg FC
07.06.2024 | New Mexico United U23 - Utah United
07.06.2024 | St Charles FC - Chicago Dutch Lions FC
07.06.2024 | Birmingham Legion FC 2 - Asheville City SC
07.06.2024 | River Light FC - Peoria City
07.06.2024 | Salt City SC - Flatirons Rush SC
07.06.2024 | Capital FC - Midlakes United
08.06.2024 | Western Mass Pioneers - Seacoast United Phantoms
08.06.2024 | Kalamazoo FC - Oakland County FC
08.06.2024 | West Chester United Usl2 - Philadelphia Lone Star Usl2
08.06.2024 | Rochester FC - Thunder Bay Chill SC
08.06.2024 | Milwaukee Bavarian SC - St. Croix SC
08.06.2024 | Brazos Valley Cavalry FC - AC Houston Sur
08.06.2024 | Colorado International Soccer Academy - Boulder County United
08.06.2024 | Southern California Seahorses - Coachella FC
08.06.2024 | Davis Legacy - Almaden FC
08.06.2024 | Blackwatch Rush - Vermont Green FC
08.06.2024 | Project 51O - Academica SC
08.06.2024 | Cleveland Force SC - Kings Hammer
08.06.2024 | Utah Avalanche - Flatirons Rush SC
08.06.2024 | San Francisco Glens SC - Marin FC Legends
08.06.2024 | Southern Soccer Academy Kings - Birmingham Legion FC 2
09.06.2024 | New Jersey Copa FC - FC Motown 2
09.06.2024 | Charlottesville Blues - Northern Virginia FC
09.06.2024 | Christos FC - Lionsbridge FC
09.06.2024 | ST Petersburg FC - Swan City SC
09.06.2024 | Fort Wayne FC - FC Buffalo
09.06.2024 | Patuxent Football Athletics - Virginia Beach United
09.06.2024 | Charlotte Independence 2 - North Carolina FC
09.06.2024 | Florida Elite Sa - Nona FC
09.06.2024 | Dayton Dutch Lions FC - Toledo Villa FC
09.06.2024 | SC United Bantams - Wake FC
09.06.2024 | Boston City FC - Pathfinder FC New York
09.06.2024 | South Bend Lions - Lansing City Football
09.06.2024 | The Villages - Brooke House FC
09.06.2024 | Flint City Bucks - Midwest United FC
09.06.2024 | North Carolina Fusion U23 - West Virginia United
09.06.2024 | Reading United AC - Ocean City Nor Easters
09.06.2024 | Staten Island Asc - Westchester Flames
09.06.2024 | Black Rock FC - Boston Bolts
09.06.2024 | Boston Bolts - Black Rock FC
09.06.2024 | Chicago City SC - Sueno FC
09.06.2024 | Houston FC - Hill Country Lobos
09.06.2024 | Dothan United SC - Asheville City SC
09.06.2024 | Mississippi Brilla - Louisiana Krewe FC
09.06.2024 | Corpus Christi FC - AHFC Royals
09.06.2024 | Little Rock Rangers - Hattiesburg FC
09.06.2024 | Manhattan SC - Cedar Stars Rush
09.06.2024 | United Pdx - Midlakes United
09.06.2024 | Ballard FC - Tacoma Stars
09.06.2024 | Amsg FC - FC Tucson
09.06.2024 | Oakland County FC - AFC Ann Arbor
10.06.2024 | Kalamazoo FC - Union FC Macomb
10.06.2024 | Long Island Rough Riders - Hudson Valley Hammers
10.06.2024 | Inter Gainesville KF - Brevard Fire SC
10.06.2024 | San Francisco City - Almaden FC
10.06.2024 | Boulder County United - Utah United
10.06.2024 | Weston FC - Sarasota Paradise
10.06.2024 | FC Lehigh Valley United - Philadelphia Lone Star Usl2
10.06.2024 | Chicago Dutch Lions FC - St Charles FC
10.06.2024 | Capital FC - West Seattle Junction FC
10.06.2024 | Philadelphia Lone Star Usl2 - FC Lehigh Valley United
10.06.2024 | Redlands FC - FC Tucson
10.06.2024 | St. Croix SC - RKC Soccer Club
10.06.2024 | Birmingham Legion FC 2 - Athens United
12.06.2024 | New Mexico United U23 - Utah Avalanche
12.06.2024 | Seacoast United Phantoms - Vermont Green FC
12.06.2024 | Pathfinder FC New York - Black Rock FC
12.06.2024 | Cleveland Force SC - FC Buffalo
12.06.2024 | Western Mass Pioneers - AC Connecticut
12.06.2024 | FC Buffalo - Cleveland Force SC
12.06.2024 | West Chester United Usl2 - Ocean City Nor Easters
12.06.2024 | Houston FC - Brazos Valley Cavalry FC
12.06.2024 | AHFC Royals - AC Houston Sur
12.06.2024 | FC Tucson - Capo FC 2
12.06.2024 | Lane United FC - West Seattle Junction FC
12.06.2024 | Coachella FC - Ventura County Fusion
13.06.2024 | West Virginia United - Charlotte Eagles
13.06.2024 | Christos FC - Patuxent Football Athletics
13.06.2024 | Miami AC - ST Petersburg FC
13.06.2024 | Toledo Villa FC - Fort Wayne FC
13.06.2024 | Blackwatch Rush - Boston City FC
13.06.2024 | Cedar Stars Rush - Ironbound SC
13.06.2024 | Kalamazoo FC - South Bend Lions
13.06.2024 | North Carolina Fusion U23 - SC United Bantams
13.06.2024 | Brevard Fire SC - The Villages
13.06.2024 | Hudson Valley Hammers - Westchester Flames
13.06.2024 | Real Central New Jersey - FC Lehigh Valley United
13.06.2024 | Wake FC - North Carolina FC
13.06.2024 | Athens United - Tennessee SC
13.06.2024 | Nona FC - Inter Gainesville KF
13.06.2024 | Florida Elite Sa - Brooke House FC
13.06.2024 | Long Island Rough Riders - Manhattan SC
13.06.2024 | Swan City SC - Weston FC
13.06.2024 | East Atlanta FC - Birmingham Legion FC 2
13.06.2024 | Sarasota Paradise - Tampa Bay United
13.06.2024 | Virginia Marauders FC - Charlottesville Blues
13.06.2024 | Mississippi Brilla - Hattiesburg FC
13.06.2024 | Louisiana Krewe FC - Blue Goose SC
13.06.2024 | St Charles FC - River Light FC
13.06.2024 | Chicago City SC - Des Moines Menace
13.06.2024 | Project 51O - Davis Legacy
13.06.2024 | St. Croix SC - Milwaukee Bavarian SC
13.06.2024 | San Francisco Glens SC - Monterey Bay FC Usl 2
13.06.2024 | Oly Town FC - United Pdx
13.06.2024 | Arizona Arsenal SC Usl 2 - Capo FC 2
14.06.2024 | Oakland County FC - Midwest United FC
14.06.2024 | RKC Soccer Club - Minneapolis City SC Usl2
14.06.2024 | Flatirons Rush SC - Boulder County United
14.06.2024 | Redlands FC - Southern California Seahorses
15.06.2024 | Reading United AC - West Chester United Usl2
15.06.2024 | Kings Hammer - FC Buffalo
15.06.2024 | Thunder Bay Chill SC - St. Croix SC
15.06.2024 | Chicago Dutch Lions FC - Sueno FC
15.06.2024 | Ventura County Fusion - Amsg FC
15.06.2024 | Midlakes United - West Seattle Junction FC
15.06.2024 | Lane United FC - Ballard FC
15.06.2024 | Almaden FC - Marin FC Legends
15.06.2024 | Morris Elite SC - Long Island Rough Riders
15.06.2024 | Boston Bolts - Pathfinder FC New York
15.06.2024 | Black Rock FC - Blackwatch Rush
16.06.2024 | New Jersey Copa FC - Ironbound SC
16.06.2024 | Charlottesville Blues - Christos FC
16.06.2024 | Cleveland Force SC - Dayton Dutch Lions FC
16.06.2024 | Inter Gainesville KF - Florida Elite Sa
16.06.2024 | West Virginia United - North Carolina FC
16.06.2024 | The Villages - Nona FC
16.06.2024 | South Bend Lions - Union FC Macomb
16.06.2024 | Vermont Green FC - Western Mass Pioneers
16.06.2024 | Lionsbridge FC - Northern Virginia FC
16.06.2024 | Lansing City Football - Flint City Bucks
16.06.2024 | AFC Ann Arbor - Midwest United FC
16.06.2024 | Philadelphia Lone Star Usl2 - Ocean City Nor Easters
16.06.2024 | Minneapolis City SC Usl2 - Milwaukee Bavarian SC
16.06.2024 | Athens United - East Atlanta FC
16.06.2024 | AC Connecticut - Boston City FC
16.06.2024 | FC Lehigh Valley United - Real Central New Jersey
16.06.2024 | Brevard Fire SC - Brooke House FC
16.06.2024 | Wake FC - Charlotte Independence 2
16.06.2024 | FC Motown 2 - Hudson Valley Hammers
16.06.2024 | Asheville City SC - Birmingham Legion FC 2
16.06.2024 | Des Moines Menace - St Charles FC
16.06.2024 | AC Houston Sur - Houston FC
16.06.2024 | Louisiana Krewe FC - Little Rock Rangers
16.06.2024 | Hattiesburg FC - Blue Goose SC
16.06.2024 | Rochester FC - RKC Soccer Club
16.06.2024 | Hill Country Lobos - AHFC Royals
16.06.2024 | Peoria City - River Light FC
16.06.2024 | Flatirons Rush SC - New Mexico United U23
16.06.2024 | Salt City SC - Utah United
16.06.2024 | FC Tucson - Redlands FC
16.06.2024 | Coachella FC - Southern California Seahorses
16.06.2024 | Academica SC - Monterey Bay FC Usl 2
16.06.2024 | Thunder Bay Chill SC - St. Croix SC
16.06.2024 | San Francisco Glens SC - San Francisco City
17.06.2024 | Tobacco Road FC - Charlotte Eagles
17.06.2024 | West Seattle Junction FC - Tacoma Stars
17.06.2024 | Union FC Macomb - Kalamazoo FC
17.06.2024 | Tampa Bay United - Swan City SC
17.06.2024 | Capital FC - Ballard FC
17.06.2024 | Sarasota Paradise - Miami AC
18.06.2024 | Arizona Arsenal SC Usl 2 - Redlands FC
19.06.2024 | Ironbound SC - Staten Island Asc
19.06.2024 | Union FC Macomb - AFC Ann Arbor
19.06.2024 | Seacoast United Phantoms - Boston Bolts
19.06.2024 | AC Connecticut - Vermont Green FC
19.06.2024 | Toledo Villa FC - Kings Hammer
19.06.2024 | Pathfinder FC New York - Western Mass Pioneers
19.06.2024 | Brevard Fire SC - Florida Elite Sa
19.06.2024 | Lansing City Football - South Bend Lions
19.06.2024 | Chicago City SC - River Light FC
19.06.2024 | Patuxent Football Athletics - Charlottesville Blues
19.06.2024 | Tennessee SC - Southern Soccer Academy Kings
19.06.2024 | Colorado International Soccer Academy - Utah Avalanche
19.06.2024 | Swan City SC - Miami AC
19.06.2024 | Long Island Rough Riders - Westchester Flames
20.06.2024 | North Carolina FC - North Carolina Fusion U23
20.06.2024 | Charlotte Independence 2 - West Virginia United
20.06.2024 | Boston City FC - Black Rock FC
20.06.2024 | Inter Gainesville KF - The Villages
20.06.2024 | ST Petersburg FC - Sarasota Paradise
20.06.2024 | FC Buffalo - Fort Wayne FC
20.06.2024 | Real Central New Jersey - West Chester United Usl2
20.06.2024 | Cedar Stars Rush - Morris Elite SC
20.06.2024 | Nona FC - Brooke House FC
20.06.2024 | Tobacco Road FC - Wake FC
20.06.2024 | Northern Virginia FC - Virginia Beach United
20.06.2024 | Dothan United SC - East Atlanta FC
20.06.2024 | Blue Goose SC - Little Rock Rangers
20.06.2024 | AHFC Royals - Corpus Christi FC
20.06.2024 | Marin FC Legends - Davis Legacy
20.06.2024 | Midwest United FC - Flint City Bucks
20.06.2024 | Tacoma Stars - United Pdx
20.06.2024 | Oly Town FC - Capital FC
20.06.2024 | Capo FC 2 - Southern California Seahorses
21.06.2024 | Salt City SC - Boulder County United
21.06.2024 | Redlands FC - Ventura County Fusion
22.06.2024 | Pathfinder FC New York - Seacoast United Phantoms
22.06.2024 | Ocean City Nor Easters - FC Lehigh Valley United
22.06.2024 | Lansing City Football - Kalamazoo FC
22.06.2024 | Western Mass Pioneers - Boston City FC
22.06.2024 | Milwaukee Bavarian SC - Minneapolis City SC Usl2
22.06.2024 | Brazos Valley Cavalry FC - AC Houston Sur
22.06.2024 | Utah United - Flatirons Rush SC
22.06.2024 | FC Tucson - Southern California Seahorses
22.06.2024 | United Pdx - Ballard FC
22.06.2024 | Midlakes United - Lane United FC
22.06.2024 | Almaden FC - Davis Legacy
22.06.2024 | Black Rock FC - AC Connecticut
22.06.2024 | Blackwatch Rush - Boston Bolts
23.06.2024 | Brevard Fire SC - Inter Gainesville KF
23.06.2024 | Cleveland Force SC - Fort Wayne FC
23.06.2024 | Union FC Macomb - South Bend Lions
23.06.2024 | West Virginia United - SC United Bantams
23.06.2024 | Charlotte Independence 2 - Tobacco Road FC
23.06.2024 | ST Petersburg FC - Tampa Bay United
23.06.2024 | Dayton Dutch Lions FC - Kings Hammer
23.06.2024 | Hudson Valley Hammers - Manhattan SC
23.06.2024 | Staten Island Asc - New Jersey Copa FC
23.06.2024 | North Carolina Fusion U23 - Wake FC
23.06.2024 | Flint City Bucks - Oakland County FC
23.06.2024 | Lionsbridge FC - Patuxent Football Athletics
23.06.2024 | Philadelphia Lone Star Usl2 - Reading United AC
23.06.2024 | Thunder Bay Chill SC - RKC Soccer Club
23.06.2024 | Virginia Marauders FC - Christos FC
23.06.2024 | Asheville City SC - Dothan United SC
23.06.2024 | Southern Soccer Academy Kings - Athens United
23.06.2024 | East Atlanta FC - Tennessee SC
23.06.2024 | Corpus Christi FC - Hill Country Lobos
23.06.2024 | Westchester Flames - Ironbound SC
23.06.2024 | Blue Goose SC - Hattiesburg FC
23.06.2024 | Louisiana Krewe FC - Mississippi Brilla
23.06.2024 | Des Moines Menace - Sueno FC
23.06.2024 | Peoria City - St Charles FC
23.06.2024 | Monterey Bay FC Usl 2 - Project 51O
23.06.2024 | Utah Avalanche - Boulder County United
23.06.2024 | Colorado International Soccer Academy - Salt City SC
23.06.2024 | Amsg FC - Coachella FC
23.06.2024 | Academica SC - San Francisco City
23.06.2024 | Swan City SC - Miami AC
23.06.2024 | San Francisco Glens SC - Almaden FC
23.06.2024 | Capo FC 2 - Ventura County Fusion
24.06.2024 | Tacoma Stars - Lane United FC
24.06.2024 | Kalamazoo FC - AFC Ann Arbor
24.06.2024 | Milwaukee Bavarian SC - Rochester FC
24.06.2024 | Ocean City Nor Easters - Real Central New Jersey
24.06.2024 | FC Lehigh Valley United - West Chester United Usl2
24.06.2024 | Sarasota Paradise - Weston FC
24.06.2024 | Ballard FC - Oly Town FC
24.06.2024 | Arizona Arsenal SC Usl 2 - Southern California Seahorses
25.06.2024 | AHFC Royals - Brazos Valley Cavalry FC
25.06.2024 | Utah United - Boulder County United
26.06.2024 | North Carolina FC - Charlotte Eagles
26.06.2024 | Toledo Villa FC - Cleveland Force SC
26.06.2024 | Dayton Dutch Lions FC - FC Buffalo
26.06.2024 | Blackwatch Rush - Pathfinder FC New York
26.06.2024 | SC United Bantams - Tobacco Road FC
26.06.2024 | FC Motown 2 - Ironbound SC
26.06.2024 | Nona FC - Inter Gainesville KF
26.06.2024 | Midlakes United - Tacoma Stars
26.06.2024 | Coachella FC - FC Tucson
26.06.2024 | Black Rock FC - Boston Bolts
27.06.2024 | AC Connecticut - Seacoast United Phantoms
27.06.2024 | Swan City SC - Tampa Bay United
27.06.2024 | Vermont Green FC - Boston City FC
27.06.2024 | Chicago City SC - Peoria City
27.06.2024 | Brooke House FC - The Villages
27.06.2024 | FC Lehigh Valley United - Reading United AC
27.06.2024 | Kalamazoo FC - Union FC Macomb
27.06.2024 | Virginia Beach United - Virginia Marauders FC
27.06.2024 | Midwest United FC - Lansing City Football
27.06.2024 | Charlotte Independence 2 - North Carolina Fusion U23
27.06.2024 | Morris Elite SC - New Jersey Copa FC
27.06.2024 | Manhattan SC - Westchester Flames
27.06.2024 | Hattiesburg FC - Louisiana Krewe FC
27.06.2024 | St. Croix SC - Rochester FC
27.06.2024 | Miami AC - Weston FC
27.06.2024 | Long Island Rough Riders - Staten Island Asc
27.06.2024 | Hill Country Lobos - Houston FC
27.06.2024 | Marin FC Legends - San Francisco Glens SC
27.06.2024 | Charlottesville Blues - Patuxent Football Athletics
27.06.2024 | Tennessee SC - Athens United
27.06.2024 | Utah Avalanche - Colorado International Soccer Academy
27.06.2024 | Amsg FC - Capo FC 2
27.06.2024 | Oly Town FC - West Seattle Junction FC
27.06.2024 | United Pdx - Capital FC
27.06.2024 | Redlands FC - Arizona Arsenal SC Usl 2
27.06.2024 | Almaden FC - Project 51O
27.06.2024 | Davis Legacy - San Francisco City
28.06.2024 | RKC Soccer Club - Thunder Bay Chill SC
28.06.2024 | AC Houston Sur - AHFC Royals
28.06.2024 | Utah United - New Mexico United U23
28.06.2024 | Southern California Seahorses - Arizona Arsenal SC Usl 2
29.06.2024 | Charlotte Eagles - Wake FC
29.06.2024 | Western Mass Pioneers - Blackwatch Rush
29.06.2024 | Fort Wayne FC - Dayton Dutch Lions FC
29.06.2024 | Ocean City Nor Easters - West Chester United Usl2
29.06.2024 | Midlakes United - Ballard FC
29.06.2024 | Capital FC - Oly Town FC
29.06.2024 | FC Tucson - Ventura County Fusion
29.06.2024 | Almaden FC - Monterey Bay FC Usl 2
29.06.2024 | Tampa Bay United - Miami AC
29.06.2024 | Milwaukee Bavarian SC - Thunder Bay Chill SC
29.06.2024 | Brooke House FC - Inter Gainesville KF
29.06.2024 | FC Buffalo - Kings Hammer
29.06.2024 | Northern Virginia FC - Charlottesville Blues
29.06.2024 | Capo FC 2 - Coachella FC
29.06.2024 | AC Connecticut - Boston Bolts
30.06.2024 | Flint City Bucks - Kalamazoo FC
30.06.2024 | Lansing City Football - AFC Ann Arbor
30.06.2024 | Athens United - Southern Soccer Academy Kings
30.06.2024 | Oakland County FC - South Bend Lions
30.06.2024 | Brevard Fire SC - Nona FC
30.06.2024 | Reading United AC - Real Central New Jersey
30.06.2024 | The Villages - Florida Elite Sa
30.06.2024 | Virginia Beach United - Christos FC
30.06.2024 | St Charles FC - Peoria City
30.06.2024 | Tobacco Road FC - North Carolina Fusion U23
30.06.2024 | Boston City FC - Seacoast United Phantoms
30.06.2024 | Minneapolis City SC Usl2 - Rochester FC
30.06.2024 | SC United Bantams - West Virginia United
30.06.2024 | East Atlanta FC - Asheville City SC
30.06.2024 | Sarasota Paradise - ST Petersburg FC
30.06.2024 | Ironbound SC - Morris Elite SC
30.06.2024 | Mississippi Brilla - Louisiana Krewe FC
30.06.2024 | Chicago Dutch Lions FC - Chicago City SC
30.06.2024 | Westchester Flames - Hudson Valley Hammers
30.06.2024 | Blue Goose SC - Little Rock Rangers
30.06.2024 | Houston FC - Corpus Christi FC
30.06.2024 | Dothan United SC - Birmingham Legion FC 2
30.06.2024 | Des Moines Menace - River Light FC
30.06.2024 | Patuxent Football Athletics - Virginia Marauders FC
30.06.2024 | Utah Avalanche - New Mexico United U23
30.06.2024 | United Pdx - West Seattle Junction FC
30.06.2024 | Pathfinder FC New York - Vermont Green FC
30.06.2024 | Project 51O - San Francisco Glens SC
30.06.2024 | Swan City SC - Weston FC
01.07.2024 | Long Island Rough Riders - Cedar Stars Rush
01.07.2024 | FC Motown 2 - Manhattan SC
01.07.2024 | Marin FC Legends - Academica SC
01.07.2024 | AC Houston Sur - Hill Country Lobos
01.07.2024 | Tacoma Stars - Midlakes United
01.07.2024 | Ballard FC - Capital FC
01.07.2024 | Boulder County United - Colorado International Soccer Academy
01.07.2024 | Monterey Bay FC Usl 2 - Davis Legacy
01.07.2024 | Arizona Arsenal SC Usl 2 - Ventura County Fusion
01.07.2024 | Seacoast United Phantoms - Black Rock FC
01.07.2024 | Miami AC - ST Petersburg FC
02.07.2024 | South Bend Lions - Midwest United FC
02.07.2024 | Birmingham Legion FC 2 - Tennessee SC
02.07.2024 | Salt City SC - New Mexico United U23
03.07.2024 | Charlotte Eagles - SC United Bantams
03.07.2024 | FC Buffalo - Cleveland Force SC
03.07.2024 | Cleveland Force SC - FC Buffalo
03.07.2024 | Boston Bolts - Boston City FC
03.07.2024 | Kings Hammer - Toledo Villa FC
03.07.2024 | AC Connecticut - Blackwatch Rush
03.07.2024 | Asheville City SC - Athens United
03.07.2024 | West Chester United Usl2 - FC Lehigh Valley United
03.07.2024 | Hattiesburg FC - Blue Goose SC
03.07.2024 | AHFC Royals - Hill Country Lobos
03.07.2024 | Southern Soccer Academy Kings - East Atlanta FC
03.07.2024 | St Charles FC - Des Moines Menace
03.07.2024 | Brazos Valley Cavalry FC - Houston FC
03.07.2024 | Peoria City - Chicago City SC
03.07.2024 | Utah Avalanche - Utah United
03.07.2024 | United Pdx - Oly Town FC
03.07.2024 | Northern Virginia FC - Virginia Marauders FC
03.07.2024 | Black Rock FC - Western Mass Pioneers
04.07.2024 | North Carolina FC - Tobacco Road FC
04.07.2024 | Philadelphia Lone Star Usl2 - Ocean City Nor Easters
04.07.2024 | Lionsbridge FC - Christos FC
04.07.2024 | Lansing City Football - Oakland County FC
04.07.2024 | Capo FC 2 - Redlands FC
04.07.2024 | Staten Island Asc - Long Island Rough Riders
04.07.2024 | Cedar Stars Rush - New Jersey Copa FC
04.07.2024 | Nona FC - The Villages
04.07.2024 | AFC Ann Arbor - Flint City Bucks
04.07.2024 | Miami AC - Weston FC
04.07.2024 | FC Motown 2 - Morris Elite SC
04.07.2024 | Sarasota Paradise - Tampa Bay United
04.07.2024 | AC Houston Sur - Corpus Christi FC
04.07.2024 | RKC Soccer Club - Rochester FC
04.07.2024 | Marin FC Legends - Project 51O
04.07.2024 | River Light FC - Sueno FC
04.07.2024 | Colorado International Soccer Academy - Flatirons Rush SC
04.07.2024 | San Francisco City - Monterey Bay FC Usl 2
04.07.2024 | Lane United FC - Capital FC
04.07.2024 | Amsg FC - Southern California Seahorses
04.07.2024 | FC Tucson - Arizona Arsenal SC Usl 2
06.07.2024 | Thunder Bay Chill SC - Minneapolis City SC Usl2
06.07.2024 | Ventura County Fusion - Capo FC 2
06.07.2024 | Capital FC - United Pdx
06.07.2024 | North Carolina FC - Wake FC
06.07.2024 | Tobacco Road FC - Charlotte Independence 2
06.07.2024 | Charlotte Eagles - West Virginia United
07.07.2024 | Project 51O - Monterey Bay FC Usl 2
07.07.2024 | New Jersey Copa FC - Morris Elite SC
07.07.2024 | San Francisco Glens SC - Davis Legacy
07.07.2024 | ST Petersburg FC - Weston FC
07.07.2024 | Manhattan SC - Hudson Valley Hammers
07.07.2024 | Ballard FC - Lane United FC
07.07.2024 | Union FC Macomb - Lansing City Football
07.07.2024 | Lionsbridge FC - Virginia Beach United
07.07.2024 | Boston City FC - Western Mass Pioneers
07.07.2024 | Kings Hammer - Dayton Dutch Lions FC
07.07.2024 | Oakland County FC - Flint City Bucks
07.07.2024 | Staten Island Asc - Cedar Stars Rush
07.07.2024 | The Villages - Brevard Fire SC
07.07.2024 | Real Central New Jersey - Philadelphia Lone Star Usl2
07.07.2024 | East Atlanta FC - Southern Soccer Academy Kings
07.07.2024 | Westchester Flames - Long Island Rough Riders
07.07.2024 | Ironbound SC - FC Motown 2
07.07.2024 | Dothan United SC - Athens United
07.07.2024 | St. Croix SC - RKC Soccer Club
07.07.2024 | Mississippi Brilla - Blue Goose SC
07.07.2024 | Little Rock Rangers - Louisiana Krewe FC
07.07.2024 | Sueno FC - Chicago City SC
07.07.2024 | Peoria City - Des Moines Menace
07.07.2024 | Hill Country Lobos - AC Houston Sur
07.07.2024 | Tennessee SC - Asheville City SC
07.07.2024 | Utah Avalanche - Salt City SC
07.07.2024 | Flatirons Rush SC - Colorado International Soccer Academy
07.07.2024 | Redlands FC - Coachella FC
07.07.2024 | Academica SC - Almaden FC
07.07.2024 | Thunder Bay Chill SC - Rochester FC
07.07.2024 | Houston FC - Corpus Christi FC
07.07.2024 | Christos FC - Northern Virginia FC
07.07.2024 | Vermont Green FC - Seacoast United Phantoms
07.07.2024 | Pathfinder FC New York - Blackwatch Rush
08.07.2024 | West Seattle Junction FC - Oly Town FC
08.07.2024 | Southern California Seahorses - FC Tucson
08.07.2024 | San Francisco City - Marin FC Legends
08.07.2024 | Fort Wayne FC - Cleveland Force SC
08.07.2024 | Charlottesville Blues - Patuxent Football Athletics
08.07.2024 | South Bend Lions - AFC Ann Arbor
08.07.2024 | Ocean City Nor Easters - Reading United AC
08.07.2024 | Tacoma Stars - Capital FC
09.07.2024 | Sueno FC - Chicago City SC
09.07.2024 | New Mexico United U23 - Boulder County United
10.07.2024 | North Carolina FC - SC United Bantams
10.07.2024 | Wake FC - North Carolina Fusion U23
10.07.2024 | South Bend Lions - Oakland County FC
10.07.2024 | Brevard Fire SC - Nona FC
10.07.2024 | West Virginia United - Tobacco Road FC
10.07.2024 | AC Connecticut - Western Mass Pioneers
10.07.2024 | Sarasota Paradise - Miami AC
10.07.2024 | Southern Soccer Academy Kings - Tennessee SC
10.07.2024 | Milwaukee Bavarian SC - RKC Soccer Club
10.07.2024 | Hill Country Lobos - Brazos Valley Cavalry FC
10.07.2024 | United Pdx - Tacoma Stars
10.07.2024 | FC Tucson - Amsg FC
10.07.2024 | Capital FC - Lane United FC
10.07.2024 | Black Rock FC - Boston City FC
11.07.2024 | Christos FC - Charlottesville Blues
11.07.2024 | Tampa Bay United - ST Petersburg FC
11.07.2024 | Charlotte Eagles - Charlotte Independence 2
11.07.2024 | Seacoast United Phantoms - Pathfinder FC New York
11.07.2024 | Union FC Macomb - Flint City Bucks
11.07.2024 | Patuxent Football Athletics - Lionsbridge FC
11.07.2024 | Vermont Green FC - Boston Bolts
11.07.2024 | Hudson Valley Hammers - FC Motown 2
11.07.2024 | Toledo Villa FC - FC Buffalo
11.07.2024 | Dayton Dutch Lions FC - Fort Wayne FC
11.07.2024 | Philadelphia Lone Star Usl2 - FC Lehigh Valley United
11.07.2024 | Houston FC - AHFC Royals
11.07.2024 | Virginia Marauders FC - Virginia Beach United
11.07.2024 | Manhattan SC - Long Island Rough Riders
11.07.2024 | Real Central New Jersey - Reading United AC
11.07.2024 | Ironbound SC - Westchester Flames
11.07.2024 | Blue Goose SC - Louisiana Krewe FC
11.07.2024 | River Light FC - Chicago Dutch Lions FC
11.07.2024 | Little Rock Rangers - Mississippi Brilla
11.07.2024 | St Charles FC - Sueno FC
11.07.2024 | St. Croix SC - Thunder Bay Chill SC
11.07.2024 | San Francisco Glens SC - Academica SC
11.07.2024 | Project 51O - San Francisco City
11.07.2024 | Salt City SC - Colorado International Soccer Academy
11.07.2024 | Oly Town FC - Midlakes United
11.07.2024 | Monterey Bay FC Usl 2 - Marin FC Legends
12.07.2024 | Flatirons Rush SC - Utah Avalanche
12.07.2024 | Arizona Arsenal SC Usl 2 - Amsg FC
12.07.2024 | Ventura County Fusion - Redlands FC
12.07.2024 | Utah United - Colorado International Soccer Academy
13.07.2024 | Union FC Macomb - Oakland County FC
13.07.2024 | AFC Ann Arbor - Lansing City Football
13.07.2024 | Wake FC - West Virginia United
13.07.2024 | The Villages - Inter Gainesville KF
13.07.2024 | Minneapolis City SC Usl2 - Thunder Bay Chill SC
13.07.2024 | Arizona Arsenal SC Usl 2 - Coachella FC
13.07.2024 | Ballard FC - United Pdx
13.07.2024 | West Seattle Junction FC - Midlakes United
13.07.2024 | Lane United FC - Oly Town FC
13.07.2024 | Tampa Bay United - Weston FC
13.07.2024 | AC Connecticut - Pathfinder FC New York
14.07.2024 | Project 51O - Marin FC Legends
14.07.2024 | Seacoast United Phantoms - Blackwatch Rush
14.07.2024 | New Jersey Copa FC - Manhattan SC
14.07.2024 | Monterey Bay FC Usl 2 - Almaden FC
14.07.2024 | FC Buffalo - Dayton Dutch Lions FC
14.07.2024 | Staten Island Asc - FC Motown 2
14.07.2024 | Patuxent Football Athletics - Northern Virginia FC
14.07.2024 | Lionsbridge FC - Virginia Marauders FC
14.07.2024 | Boston City FC - Boston Bolts
14.07.2024 | Cleveland Force SC - Toledo Villa FC
14.07.2024 | Hudson Valley Hammers - Morris Elite SC
14.07.2024 | ST Petersburg FC - Sarasota Paradise
14.07.2024 | Reading United AC - FC Lehigh Valley United
14.07.2024 | Charlottesville Blues - Virginia Beach United
14.07.2024 | Fort Wayne FC - Kings Hammer
14.07.2024 | Western Mass Pioneers - Vermont Green FC
14.07.2024 | Ocean City Nor Easters - West Chester United Usl2
14.07.2024 | North Carolina Fusion U23 - Charlotte Eagles
14.07.2024 | AHFC Royals - Brazos Valley Cavalry FC
14.07.2024 | Flint City Bucks - South Bend Lions
14.07.2024 | East Atlanta FC - Athens United
14.07.2024 | Asheville City SC - Tennessee SC
14.07.2024 | SC United Bantams - North Carolina FC
14.07.2024 | Westchester Flames - Cedar Stars Rush
14.07.2024 | Des Moines Menace - Chicago Dutch Lions FC
14.07.2024 | River Light FC - Chicago City SC
14.07.2024 | Rochester FC - Milwaukee Bavarian SC
14.07.2024 | Corpus Christi FC - Hill Country Lobos
14.07.2024 | Hattiesburg FC - Little Rock Rangers
14.07.2024 | Blue Goose SC - Mississippi Brilla
14.07.2024 | Sueno FC - Peoria City
14.07.2024 | Dothan United SC - Southern Soccer Academy Kings
14.07.2024 | New Mexico United U23 - Salt City SC
14.07.2024 | Boulder County United - Utah Avalanche
14.07.2024 | Davis Legacy - Academica SC
14.07.2024 | Southern California Seahorses - Capo FC 2
14.07.2024 | Oakland County FC - Kalamazoo FC
14.07.2024 | West Seattle Junction FC - Ballard FC
15.07.2024 | Midlakes United - Capital FC
15.07.2024 | San Francisco City - San Francisco Glens SC
15.07.2024 | Oly Town FC - Tacoma Stars
15.07.2024 | St. Croix SC - Minneapolis City SC Usl2
15.07.2024 | AC Houston Sur - Houston FC
15.07.2024 | Lane United FC - United Pdx
15.07.2024 | Amsg FC - Ventura County Fusion
15.07.2024 | FC Tucson - Coachella FC
15.07.2024 | Houston FC - Corpus Christi FC
17.07.2024 | Vermont Green FC - Reading United AC
17.07.2024 | Western Mass Pioneers - FC Motown 2
17.07.2024 | Houston FC - Brazos Valley Cavalry FC
17.07.2024 | Virginia Beach United - SC United Bantams
19.07.2024 | Fort Wayne FC - Midwest United FC
19.07.2024 | The Villages - Sarasota Paradise
19.07.2024 | Corpus Christi FC - Tennessee SC
19.07.2024 | Des Moines Menace - Milwaukee Bavarian SC
19.07.2024 | Long Island Rough Riders - Vermont Green FC
20.07.2024 | Almaden FC - United Pdx
20.07.2024 | Ventura County Fusion - Boulder County United
20.07.2024 | Ocean City Nor Easters - Seacoast United Phantoms
20.07.2024 | Flint City Bucks - Cleveland Force SC
20.07.2024 | Asheville City SC - Nona FC
20.07.2024 | Little Rock Rangers - AHFC Royals
20.07.2024 | Peoria City - Thunder Bay Chill SC
20.07.2024 | FC Tucson - Flatirons Rush SC
20.07.2024 | Ballard FC - Project 51O
22.07.2024 | Little Rock Rangers - Corpus Christi FC
22.07.2024 | FC Tucson - Ventura County Fusion
26.07.2024 | Project 51O - FC Tucson
26.07.2024 | Asheville City SC - Corpus Christi FC
27.07.2024 | Lionsbridge FC - Seacoast United Phantoms
27.07.2024 | Peoria City - Flint City Bucks
28.07.2024 | Peoria City - FC Tucson
29.07.2024 | Seacoast United Phantoms - Asheville City SC
04.08.2024 | Peoria City - Seacoast United Phantoms
Canlı Skor
USL Lig 2
USL Lig 2 2024 Sezonu
Amsg FC - Redlands FC maçı
USL Lig 2 2024
USL Lig 2 | 1
Amsg FC
30/06/24 - 05:00
0 : 1
0 : 0 1. Devre
0 : 1 2. Devre
Redlands FC
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